- Sep. 29th, James 1:12-18, Snitches Get Stitches... Min. Jason Miller, https://youtube.com/live/9N0dnGz3m6Q
-Sep. 22nd, Isaiah 43:19-21, When God Does A New Thing, https://youtube.com/live/aHbkTP4X3uE
-Sep. 15th, Psalms 133:1-3, The Power Of The Unity, https://youtube.com/live/17S0dotzUjk
-Sep. 8th, Romans 8:14, Turn On Your GPS, https://youtube.com/live/AHGBaFHhVkY
- Sep. 1st, Luke 17, Patience Bring Faith & Victory, Rev. McDuffie, Associate IBC https://youtube.com/live/pzMTdy_NEYU
- Aug. 25th, 1 John 1:5-9, The Faithfulness of Forgiveness, (praise & worship) https://youtube.com/live/FcMp-q0cWRY
(sermon excerpt) https://youtu.be/Jg7S5f7LqG4
- Aug. 18th, Acts:10:1-48, "Jesus Is For Everyone," https://youtube.com/live/kqmlCIp6MJ0
- Aug. 11th, Acts 3:1-4, "Jesus Is Worth Following" https://youtube.com/live/GuoOZd27P04
- July 21st, Romans 15:13, Abounding In Hope, https://youtu.be/5jd-TKqYN2E
- July 14th, Psalm 24:1- , https://youtube.com/live/3Lvy6Z74x7I
- July 7th, Matthew 28:16-20, https://youtube.com/live/rE_7uHOg-MA
June Career Month
-June 30th, Ask the Pastor, https://youtube.com/live/XIeJ9zjOcjM
-June 23rd, Academic Recognition, https://youtube.com/live/iKDis_1DGJA
- June 16th, Realtors, https://youtube.com/live/tzk_ysfooaQ
- June 9th, Firefighter, WMATA, Kaiser Permanente, https://youtube.com/live/Es5efw-FQyQ
- June 2nd, Jeremiah 29:11, Sisters Prospering While Following the Lord's Plan, Pastor Certain, https://youtube.com/live/UfaukH1deNw
- May 26th, Psalms 19:1, When God Declares His Glory, https://youtube.com/live/JQqkNT37ZeA
- May 19th, Matthew 13:24-30, The Mysteries Among The Tare, Pastor Wilkerson, https://youtube.com/live/999W8FjklhM
- May 12th, II Timothy 1:5-7, The Faith of A Mother, https://youtube.com/live/u7T_ynCzry8
- May 5th, Philippians 1:1-6, A Reflective Perspective, https://youtube.com/live/xsLnPZN7x_I
- April 28th, Philippians 3:12-13, The Plan Requires Pressing, https://youtube.com/live/aIZtH4lcUuQ
- April 21st, John 13:34-35, The Love of God; Let It Flow, https://youtube.com/live/5mSvgNGy7fw
- April 14th, Romans 5:8, The Strength of Love, https://youtube.com/live/8VOZBthr85M
- April 7th, Psalms 107:1, O Give Thanks To The Lord, https://youtube.com/live/M4d5t8TDJk4
- Mar. 31st
- Mar. 24th, Mark 11:1-7, The Road To Victory, https://youtube.com/live/KUKjrGJ5Rc0
- Mar. 10th, 1 Corinth 13:13, The Glue That Holds It Together, https://youtube.com/live/zHJanDjqeI8
- Mar. 03rd, Mark 4, Speak To My Storms, https://youtube.com/live/2PofIKslFsc
-Feb. 25th, Joshua 4:1-9, Our Past Is Our Future, https://youtube.com/live/Jf_cmZrs8Fs
-Feb. 18th, Hebrews 11:1, The Substance Of Our Hope, https://youtube.com/live/j19Jy-S7eJ8
-Feb. 11th, Hebrews 11:1, Faith and Hope, The True Dynamic Duo, https://youtube.com/live/hi-N4dGLwic
-Feb. 4th, Hebrews 11:6, https://youtube.com/live/cYnQxFgzqXY
-Jan. 28th, John 3:16, https://youtube.com/live/FHRELxHqRg8
-Jan. 14th, 1 Corinthians 13:13, https://youtube.com/live/YrgTHEsZ02E
-Jan. 7th, Jeremiah 29:11, https://youtube.com/live/ZTUN7-kdwvs
-Dec. 31st, Psalm 91, Mark 1:14-15, It's That Time Of The Year Again, https://youtube.com/live/0TxyEjVizHI
-Dec. 24th, Luke &:1-7, The Birth That Changed The World (unavailable)
-Dec. 17th, Matthew 5:1-12, Strength, Faith and Pure Guidance, https://youtube.com/live/6h8VoGekfYE
-Dec. 10th, Romans 12:1, Living, Serving, Sacrificing, https://youtube.com/live/teo2wVHzddQ
-Dec. 3rd, Psalm 61, I Go To The Rock, https://youtube.com/live/6HGcb5emp2s
-Nov. 26th, John 21:15-17, The Consummate Question For The Servant of God, Do You Love Me? https://youtube.com/live/5LdzSgCT3T8
-Nov. 19th, Psalm 24, My Theme Psalm, https://youtube.com/live/QyXZGucW-NU
-Nov. 12th, Luke 4:17-20, The Power Of The Anointing, https://youtube.com/live/7oYNMUZ2Zpg
-Nov. 5th, No Msg, https://youtube.com/live/Qt7VAHsSpqk
-Oct. 29th, "Ask The Pastor",
-Oct. 22nd, John 1:6-9, A True Servant's Servants, https://youtube.com/live/g2ixu7KsaU8
-Oct. 15th, Exodus 40-34-38, When Glory Comes, https://youtube.com/live/arOvX1ztNIk , Pastor Wilkerson
-Oct. 8th, Philippians 4:8-9, Peace on the Brain, https://youtube.com/live/4n6Xwv_BAIo
- Oct. 1st, Philippians 4:6-7, Living In Peace With God, https://youtube.com/live/Cxple2vfRfk
- Sep 24th, Philippians 4:4-9, Living In the Peace of God, https://youtube.com/live/FhVX1KrWL5E
- Sep 17th, Daniel 1:1-6, Faith In The Midst of Adversity, https://youtube.com/live/PjEV5QR_Vnk
- Sep 10th, White Worship Service
- Sep 3rd, Hebrews 10:24-25, The Faithfulness and Power Of The Fellowship, https://youtube.com/live/EOzneWWM3nc
-Aug 13th, John 19:25-27, A Family Reunion, https://youtube.com/live/meojrqCzp3Y
-Aug 06th, II Timothy 3:1-5, A Picture Of The Last Days, https://youtube.com/live/KubXETMLaXM, Pastor Wilkerson
-Jul 30th, "Ask-The-Delegate", https://youtube.com/live/q9Qfq9-m2Kk
-Jul 23rd, Psalms 51:10-12, A Prayer For Forgiveness, https://youtube.com/live/-GVHWnlo08U
-Jul 16th, 1 Samuel 17:38-40, When The Armor Does Not Fit, https://youtube.com/live/VAFZGuyjRMg
-Jul 9th, 1 Samuel 16:6-7, The Heart of God's Servant, https://youtube.com/live/N9qxVFslvb4
-Jul 2nd, Proverbs 18:22, I Thank God For My Good Thing, https://youtube.com/live/hIfoOEsHkEo
-Jun 25th, Get Ya GEd (God and Education), https://youtube.com/live/0crpV_pog5, Bro. Delano Hunter
-Jun 18th, Proverbs 3:1-2, The Heart Of A Father, https://youtube.com/live/vmps2Tahnfw
- Jun 11th, Exodus 12::12-14, For I Know It Was the Blood
- Jun 4th, Psalms 100:1-3, Serving The Lord With Gladness, Guest Preacher: Pastor J. Davis, https://youtube.com/live/trZ5MadEnoc
- May 28th, Matthew 24:14, When The Church Gets Through, Guest Preacher: Pastor (Emeritus) Wilkerson, https://youtube.com/live/aqmoUg4-5F0
- May 21st, Matthew 25:1-4, Ready Or Not, Here I Come, Guest Preacher: Rev. McDuffie https://youtube.com/live/82CnmBrkOzs
- May 14th, Luke 1:28-32, God Chooses Mothers, https://youtube.com/live/U90OzJJSA2U
- May 7th, 41st & 23rd Anniversary, Genesis 1:26-27, Why? Pastor RD Tillman, Atlanta, GA, https://youtube.com/live/UONSFGRNerE
- Apr., 30th, Ask the Pastor
- Apr. 23rd, Psalm 107:1-2, The Shout of Thanksgiving, https://youtube.com/live/Q5X07lmU9nE
- Apr. 16th, Ephesians 6:5-9, Serving The Lord From The Heart, https://youtube.com/live/wHY2oSIjOso
- Apr. 09th, Mark 16:1-6, Seeking A Resurrected Savior, https://youtube.com/live/1Wdk0b99Gxk
- Apr. 02nd, John 12:12-14, On The Road To Victory, https://youtube.com/live/APWPLaDXQIA
- Mar. 26th, Genesis 14:18-20, Servant Of The Most High God, https://youtube.com/live/Ywpj6NIvRt0
- Mar. 19th, Genesis 22:7-8, The Faithfulness of God, https://youtube.com/live/aWQ93f38Cpo
- Mar. 12th, Genesis 19:24-25, God All Punish Sin, https://youtube.com/live/eNqOqLCRYlY
- Mar. 05th, Genesis 18:23-26, Servants Communicate With God, https://youtube.com/live/CYPyfVwZV1I
- Feb. 26th, Ephesians 5:17-19, A Sober Heart, https://youtube.com/live/AaESxEokR1Q
- Feb. 19th, Luke 9:23-25, Are You A Fan or Follower?" https://youtube.com/live/PqfpTzYh_RU, Elder RM Castleberry
- Feb. 12th, Hebrews 9:1-7, The Blood For The Tabernacle, "Commune, Purpose and Withstanding, Min. JD Miller https://youtube.com/live/bktFM_diZYo
- Feb. 5th, Genesis 6:22, Will I Be The One?, https://youtu.be/PYmLcAFOmm0
- Jan. 29th, Ask...
- Jan. 22nd, Genesis 3:9-13, The First Servants, https://youtu.be/Ip08DtQvYcU
- Jan. 15th, Genesis 2:21-25, I Thank God For Pastor and FL Emeritus ,
- Jan. 8th, Psalms 100:1-3, Serving The Lord With Gladness, https://youtu.be/LbwlAU2hGwE
December 31st, Rev 21:1-8, The Best Is Yet To Come, https://youtu.be/YHHUWDKaG-s
December 18th, 1 Timothy 1:1-2, The Blessings Of The Epistles, https://youtu.be/HHYRis1LIik
December 11th, Romans 16:25-27, What A Great Time To Be Saved, https://youtu.be/8egjYPLojrg
December 4th, II Corinthians 1:1-2, The Power Of A Greeting, https://youtu.be/UVKqgCnryUs
November 27th, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Three Things, https://youtu.be/BwyVCRxiY_A
November 20th, Acts 12:1-5, The Power of a Praying Church, https://youtu.be/mUpyGTs3qLo
November 13th, Luke 23:1-12, When To Hold Your Peace, https://youtu.be/QiR1kAzTdPY
November 6th, Galatians 5:13-15, Title Outstanding Freedom, Subject: Servant Identity, https://youtu.be/sVaybyBjYco, Min Jason Miller
October 30th, "Ask The Pastor, https://youtu.be/ShKyA08kxZQ
October 23rd, Matthew 16:13-17, HE IS the Christ, https://youtu.be/FYdzI6m3PrY
October 16th, Psalm 139:13-16, Identity Crisis, Elder Castleberry
October 9th, John 3:16, The Gospel Direct And To The Point, https://youtu.be/fWpM_3ozSag
October 2nd, Malachi 3:8, God, Am I Robbing You, https://youtu.be/vWCtvRq9tkY
September 25th, Esther 4:15-17, When You Do Not Hear God, https://youtu.be/aQ1cTWAqat0
September 18th, Daniel 6:19-23, Faith Over Everything, https://youtu.be/J2txK2yuUSU
September 11th, White Worship Service, apology, partial Service, https://youtu.be/0PwYeuAKhCQ
September 4th, Ezekiel 36:22-27, When God Has Had Enough, https://youtu.be/Nhm7PANLhQM
August 28th, Mark 2:1-5, Never Seen It Done Like This Before, Elder HHJ III, https://youtu.be/ZrLx4tLlLW4
August 21st, Philippians 2:5-11, What's In A Name?, Min. Milford Thompson, https://youtu.be/8zWsW2sbRrM
August 14th, Romans 7:14-15 & 25, The Mirror Connection, https://youtu.be/6gsBo5O3oZs, Pastor (Emeritus) Wilkerson
August 7th, John 21:1-10, Stewarding Faith In the Midst of Silence, What Do We Do Now?, https://youtu.be/IOJ1vRMR5ck, Elder HHJackson III
July 31st, Ask the Pastor,
July 24th, James 1:2-8, ... Wired for Wisdom, Faith Fed, https://youtu.be/-woBaEvIu0E, Min. J.D. Miller
July 17th, Isaiah 53:5, Series: Part II, The Message, https://youtu.be/WbIhtJj7Tho
July 10th, Isaiah 53:5, Series: Part I, The Messenger, https://youtu.be/kkyi5ZEe0tw
July 3rd, John 3:16, This Is Where I Find Comfort, https://youtu.be/VDHbm070M4M
June 26th, A Message to the Youth, https://youtu.be/wl6IYYDtPgU
June 19th Proverbs 3:1-2, A Father's Gift To His Son, https://youtu.be/m-R5eB5GQmA
June 12th, Proverbs 1:7, If You Don't Know Anything Else, https://youtu.be/Ip40UF3EEUc
June 5th, Judges 4:4-9, God's Chosen Vessel, Sister, You Are The One, Women's Day, Co-Pastor Tracy James, https://youtu.be/Nw91hzjOwK0
May 30th, Ask The Pastor
May 22nd, Psalm95:1-6, An Invitation to Worship, https://youtu.be/XpsmVduw_tk
May 15th, 2 Samuel 12:12-14, The Consequences Of Sin, https://youtu.be/NmeJlS3igIs
May 8th, 1 Samuel 1:26-28, My Mother Prayed For Me, https://youtu.be/jJA-Pc96BdU
May 1st, Luke 19:36, Don't Let The Praise Go A-Rye, https://youtu.be/rDGyrQx96AA
April 24th, Psalm 150:6, Praise Ye The Lord, https://youtu.be/bHudZaanxfs
April 17th, Matthew 27:62-66, They Just Could Not Leave It Alone, https://youtu.be/-8ReegXbP_s
April 10th, 1 Samuel 8:4, Okay, I'll Give You A King, https://youtu.be/PPu_n6WNzN4
April 3rd, Judges 4:4-10, Three The Hard Way, https://youtu.be/jbgxtvsRu5o
March 27th, Joshua 6:25, O No She Didn't, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A127GM-Bxu0
March 20th, Ephesians 1:3-11, Richness of God's Grace, https://youtu.be/8RPO02OivtE
March 13th, Deuteronomy 7:9, The Lord Thy God; He Is God, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YP0aUvl9nys
March 6th, Numbers 22:1-7, Obedience Over Personal Gain, https://youtu.be/0CNdCrd0fXs
February 27th, Numbers 10:1-2, The Sound of the Trumpet, https://youtu.be/8y-ZqRyRLnc
February 20th, Leviticus 10:1-3, Pure Fire, https://youtu.be/hLanUcetHc8
February 13th, Leviticus 19:1-2, A Holy God, A Holy People, https://youtu.be/hCll2TVyHwk
February 6, Exodus 13:17, "Stay In The Presence of The Lord", https://youtu.be/B9a6oH7vGY4
January 30th, "Ask The Pastor"
January 23, 2022 Psalms 23:1 and 2, Whose Voice Are You Listening To, Rev. A. Bolden, https://youtu.be/IDZTJ0AhoUI
January 16, Genesis 11:1-4, Build To God's Glory, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wgr_Lu8_pgs
January 09, 2022, Genesis 4:8-10, The Consistent Failure of Man, https://youtu.be/cFOuQ4y-O_4
January 02, 2022, Genesis 1:26-31, It's All Still Very Good, https://youtu.be/Y-h5U_DQ0Ww
12-26-21, We Need a Healing, Jeremiah 8:22, Pastor Miller, https://youtu.be/frvXy1s6ado
12-19-21, The Gift of God's Love, John 3:16, Pastor Miller, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxaW9lWv1fI
12-12-21, Reason for Remembering, Luke 22:14-24, Pastor Wilkerson , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6VJq0cVB80
12-05-21, The Power of the Pew, Matthew 28:18-20, Pastor Wilkerson, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt9jvhktX1Q
11-28-21, The Living Word, John 1:1-2 and 14, https://youtu.be/lt9jvhktX1Q
11-21-21, Show Yourself Approved, II Timothy 2:15, https://youtu.be/X4xnAHkjiXs
11-14-21, God's Word, Hebrews 4:12, https://youtu.be/bC_cCFAE6sk
11-07-21, God's Will for All His Servants, Mark 9:33, https://youtu.be/vcOeSD7p6xY
10-31-21, "Ask The Pastor"
10-24-21, I Am Who God Says I Am, Colossians 1:9-10, Rev. Dwamena, https://youtu.be/0rYLBtZTibU
10-17-21, Transforming To God's Will, Romans 12:1-2, https://youtu.be/hxPJ7Zade_g
10-10-21, He Knows the Will For You, Jeremiah 29:11, https://youtu.be/0T1alLqeTEc
10-03-21, Answering The Call, Jeremiah 1:4-10, https://youtu.be/2n32KlHTDr4
09-25-21, The Ultimate Will of God, 2 Peter 3:9, https://youtu.be/AR3By60m9mM
09-19-21, Let Us Hear The Conclusion of the Whole Matter, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, https://youtu.be/MD0n-vHiu4w
09-12-21, White Worship Service, https://youtu.be/NMwYh-NQgz4
09-05-21, Impromptu Ask the Pastor
08-29-21, Humility Is The Fear of the Lord, James 3:13-18, Rev. Dwamena, https://youtu.be/-ZWRC4KM5K4
08-22-21, The Kingdom of God Is Yours, Matt 7:7-8, Matt 6:31-33, Rev. Dwamena
08-15-21, Trust God Through Bad Situations, Acts 27:13-24, Rev. Benjamin, https://youtu.be/EC1hZA5VrYA
08-08-21, Welcome To The Family, 1 John 2:28-29, Pastor Emeritus Wilkerson,
08-01-21, God's Revolution, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Pastor Emeritus Wilkerson, https://youtu.be/SFSWkHUi5UA
07-25-21, Proverbs, A Book of Wisdom, Proverbs 1:1-6, https://youtu.be/4R0BUFsu2EE
07-18-21, Five Loaves of Bread and Two Fish Equals Five Thousand Plus Twelve Baskets, Matthew 14:13-21, Rev. Dwamena https://youtu.be/nXF8pS4BuIU
07-11-21, The Wisdom Of/In Fearing God, Proverbs 1:7, https://youtu.be/36qE6_l7CMc
07-04-21, Wisdom Wisely Working, 1 Kings 3:16-28, https://youtu.be/Q39NVeUvXd4
06-27-21, Get Ready, Get Set, Go, Philippians 3:14, Deaconess Miller
06-20-21, Where Wisdom May Be Found, Job 28:12-13 and 28, https://youtu.be/6YvmaDDZZq8
06-13-21, A Heart for Wisdom, https://youtu.be/H9ErdyM9xEA
06-06-21, Increasing Your Relationship With God, Gen 2:18-23, Prov 31:26,
Elder RCastleberry, https://youtu.be/lu1erHEef4Y
05-23-21, The Beginning of Knowledge, Proverbs 1:7, https://youtu.be/PFkVADzNfJM
05-16-21, Getting To Know the Heart of God, Isaiah 55:6-11, https://youtu.be/RzoEYt3af4k
05-09-21, I Am Very Happy To Be Here, Psalms 100, https://youtu.be/CpQSeZIUK24
05-02-21, Watch Out for the Squeeze, Rom 12:1-23, https://youtu.be/Piw9CNNwcbs, Pastor Wilkerson
04-25-21, A New Convert, https://youtu.be/cAuPejCooE8
04-18-21, There Is a Blessing In Your Enemies Being at Peace With You, https://youtu.be/WHVLtdHOmKY
04-11-21, "Ask The Pastor"
04-04-21, After The Resurrection, John 20:19-23, https://youtu.be/FheqLLcn9kw
03-28-21, Have a Little Talk With Jesus, Psalm 34:17-19, https://youtu.be/ILazpsVH5eU
03-21-21, Embracing a New Convert, Acts 9:10-19, https://youtu.be/ZdN2I7zOla0
03-14-21, A Damascus Road Experience, Acts 9:1-9, https://youtu.be/cTbUB63rH_M
03-07-21, When You Think God Is Not There, Psalm 22:1, https://youtu.be/CFbahFQHl_0
02-28-21, God Means It For Our Good, Genesis 50:15-21, https://youtu.be/ifkM1dppKXc
02-21-21. Delivered For A Purpose, Genesis 41:53-57, https://youtu.be/HZPnI8f4pAY
02-14-21, Joseph, An Imprisoned Man, Genesis 39:19-23, https://youtu.be/atH-qwY0Npc
02-07-21, Joseph, A Man of God, Genesis 41:38, https://youtu.be/sexL0Favm70
01-31-21, Ask the Pastor
01-24-21, Building a Relationship with God, Genesis 3:22-25, https://youtu.be/N98TDP4MA5g
01-17-21, The Image of God, Genesis 1:25, https://youtu.be/2Qb_puNxpSQ
01-10-21, In the Beginning God, Genesis 1:1, https://youtu.be/JcUra-4nOTw
01-03-21, Celebrate Good Times, Come-On, Exodus 15:1-3, https://youtu.be/TbNJEnC9qhU
2020 December
12-27-20, Give Thanks to the Lord, Psalm 136:1
12-20-20, This Christmas, Luke 2:1-7
12-13-20, And We Know, Romans, 8:22
12-06-20, The Battles That Christians Encounter in This World, James 4, Pastor Wilkerson
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