FEBRUARY Birthday Blessings: 1st Sis. Zyonna, 3rd Sis. Hart,
6th Bro. Dave L., 8th Dea. Cunningham, 9th Sis. Karma,
16th Bro. David T., 19th Dea. Graham, 23rd Sis. Genea & Sis. Amaya, 25th Sis. Coleman & Sis. Kamilla, 26th Sis. Jaylyn C., 27th Sis. Starr
Wedding Anniversary: 14th The Benjamins and The Chandlers
Duty Deacon for the month: Deacon Graham
Cleaning for the month: Usher Ministry
Scheduled Dates:
Mon-Sat., Prayer Schedule
7 P.M. Pastor requested that we join in Prayer on a Call
605-475-4700 Access ID: 497574# to Pray
The schedule is a follows:
o Mondays, Deacons, 6 P.M. (all others 7 P.M.)
o Tuesdays, Deaconess
o Wednesdays, Youth Ministry
o Thursdays, Culinary and Music Ministry
o Fridays, Outreach Ministry
o Saturdays, Trustee & Usher Ministry
- Wed., Feb. 12th 7 P.M. Bible Study via Zoom
Homework: Look-up the word "Faith" in the scriptures.
-Select two scriptures on faith
-Then give your interpretation (understanding of faith) along with defining unfamiliar words in the text.
Example: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1).
Define substance and evidence
Next step, look for the connecting words that connect "faith" to the scripture.
- Thu., Feb. 13, 7 P.M. Combined Choir rehearsal
- Sat., Feb. 22nd 7 A.M. Outreach Ministry at the Shelter
- Sat., Feb. 22nd 10 A.M. - Noon, Youth Choir rehearsal
-NJBC Snack Shop has reopened!
-Grocery Tote Bags are $3 donation each. If you would like to donate, please contact Sis. Brenda Williams after Service.
Food Pantry: The following (non-perishable) items are needed:
Canned goods: soup, vegetables, beans, tuna, sardines, chicken, fruit, juice,
Boxed items: macaroni and cheese, stuffing, rice, ramen noodles, hot and cold cereal, grits, oatmeal, cream of wheat, farina
Containers & jars: peanut butter, jelly
DAILY PRAYER REQUEST (review Prayer Ministry tab)
Regular Schedule located on the back of the Weekly Bulletin
Every Wednesday 6 am - 6 pm Fast & Prayer, 12 Tone-Up Thursday via Zoom, 7 pm Bible Study